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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Form 4 Physics: Unit Conversion 1

To master the unit conversion questions my advice is u need to polish your maths basic skills such as conversion & standard form. But in physics, now u should already memorised the power of 10 for all the prefixes in Physics like Mega, Giga, kilo, micro & etc.
For example:
Mega = M =
kilo = k =

Here some working examples of unit Conversion :
1. 5 kg = 5 (k)g
= 5 (
103 )g
= 5 x 103 g
( coz k is the prefix for
103, so just substitute the value of k with 103)

2. Lets change the unit from km/hr to m/s

7200 kmhr-2

= 7200 km / hr2

= 7200 x 103 m

-------- ----

( 60 x 60)2 s2

= 5.6 x 10 -1 ms-2

On next example i'll show u step by step how unit m3 is changed to cm3

4. 125 cm3, lets change the unit to m3

125 cm3 = 125( 1cm x 1cm x 1cm ), now we wanna change the unit cm to m,

coz prefix centi (c) means, c=10-2,so we subst symbol c with 10-2

= 125( 10-2m x 10-2m x 10-2m)

= 125( 10-2 x 10-2x 10-2) (m)3 see, the unit now changed to metre cube :)

= 125(10-2) m3

=125 x 10-6 m3

We can also rewrite it in standard form ,1.25 x 10-4 m3

Happy learning!!!!


  1. Salam... Tahniah ckg. Nnti Panitia Bio pun nak buat mcm ni jgk... Boleh ajarkan ye tak?

  2. Salam
    cg mcm mana nak buat soalan ni??
    1.5 g cm-3=_______kg m-3


    7.2 km h-1=__________________ms-1
    harap cg dapat bantu saya

