I wanna ask u a simple question..are u guys aiming for an A+ in physics???
What ever it is, u need to produce at least this kind of result..
Paper 1 = 45 marks ( wow! 5 mistakes only)
section A = 52 marks (loosing 8 marks only!!)
section B =16 marks ( loosing 4 marks only!!)
section C =15 marks ( loosing 5 marks only!!)
total mark for Paper 2 =83 marks out of 100
Section A: 25 marks
Section B: 10 marks
Total marks for paper 3: 35 marks out of 40 (loosing 5 marks only)
Overall marks : 163 /190
..in percentage it's gonna be 86%....Ops! less than 90%!!! ..still not enough to get A+??
Usually last time with this kind of mark u may get an A1..threfore,I'm asking u again..
are u DREAMING or AIMING for an A+???????????
..If u think positive..sure BOLEH punyer!!
gud luck :)